Individual Prizes and Awards
Year 9
- 1st prize: "The Department of Mathematics and Statistics (UWA) Award
for Mathematical Excellence":
Dougal MacLaurin (Hale School)
- 2nd prize: Andrew Yang (Carine SHS)
- 3rd prize: Samuel Mist (Aquinas College),
Casey Mitchinson (Leeming SHS) &
Martin Filar (Scotch College)
Year 8
- 1st prize: "The Department of Mathematics and Statistics
(Curtin University) Award for Excellence":
Mark Joss (Applecross SHS)
- 2nd prize: Kondrosh Koul (Applecross SHS)
Team Prizes and Awards
- 1st prize: The MAWA "Jack Bana Award for Excellence":
Scotch College
(Martin Filar, Stephen Pang, Simon Lau and David Taylor)
- Equal 2nd prize: Hale School - Team 1 (Dougal McLaurin,
Tony Zhang, Edward Maradona, Xixiang Ngan)
Leeming SHS (Casey Mitchinson, Katie May Beddoes,
Aaron Lim and Edward Ee)
- Equal 3rd prize: St Mary's ASG (Kate Phillips, Crystal Chan,
Yvette Tan and Haruna Minoura) and
Applecross SHS (Kondrosh Koul, Mark Josh,
Daryl Ng and Arya Gupta)
For information on personal and team achievements at the
WA Junior Maths Olympiad 2000 please contact:
Assoc. Prof. Phill Schultz
or Dr. Luchezar Stoyanov.